If you’ve tried applying for a business capital loan and were rejected, you know what the sting of being turned down can feel like. Don’t be discouraged; the future of business funding can be found in a Merchant Cash Advance (MCA). Find out how this new breed of business funding offers entrepreneurs alternatives to traditional lending options.
It’s Not a Loan
One of the most common misconceptions of MCAs is that they’re a type of business loan. Unlike a loan, which works as promise to repay a borrowed amount of money, an MCA is the sale of a portion of the revenues that your business has yet to make. These future revenues become the leverage you can use to fund your business now. Knights Capital sees the value in your business’s future, unlike traditional banks who are only worried about your past performance.
If You Qualify
Another misconception that business owners face, is that it is difficult to find funding for their particular industry. Seasonal businesses for example, generally have difficulties when it comes to getting a bank loan. That’s because banks like to see steady predictable monthly revenue and tax returns for at least 2 years. Seasonal businesses have an exceptionally hard time meeting these types of requirements. Knight Capital Funding provides Merchant Cash Advances to seasonal businesses every day. Click here to see if your business qualifies.
A Breed of Its Own
Never before have business owners had so many options to choose from when funding their company. We are all part of this new era of entrepreneurialism and access to working capital is available like it never has been before. Want more info on how Knight Capital Funding can empower your business with a MCA? Contact us now!